Lavender Peeling
With our DIY instructions for the lavender peeling, you can capture the scent of summer in a jar! The DIY peeling has a calming effect on the skin and on the nerves. Without much effort and with simple home remedies, you can easily make it yourself.
Lavender body scrub
Mix 4 tablespoons of sea salt with some lavender leaves and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Massage the scrub into damp skin and rinse well. Then just gently pat dry so that the precious oil can be absorbed well. This creates a beautiful, soft surface. Dead skin cells are rubbed off, the blood circulation is stimulated and the oil provides a portion of care.
Lavender face scrub
A scrub with milk, lavender leaves and honey is particularly suitable for the face. Mix 2 tablespoons of sea salt with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. Massage into a damp face and rinse off. Honey additionally clarifies and soothes the skin, and the fat contained in the milk smoothes it.
Our tip: The homemade peeling is also a great gift for a dear friend.

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