Massage for headaches & migraines
This manual massage is based on the principles of acupuncture and works by stimulating acupuncture points and distributing energy in the neck, head and chest area. People with the above symptoms usually feel immediate relief. This massage can achieve a lasting effect so that the symptoms occur less frequently and less intensively.

Natural saltwater bath
Relax in warm 35-degree natural salt water in the spa area with its vast indoor and outdoor pools. A visit to the non-nude steam bath aids relaxation. Our lush parkland offers rest and relaxation in Mediterranean surroundings.

Sauna facilities
As well as the traditional Finnish sauna, our sauna facilities include a bio sauna, an earthen fire sauna, and a vast panoramic infusion sauna. Our sauna garden is the perfect place to while away the day.

As a cleansing ritual with saunas and steam rooms, a spa visit has a purifying and detoxifying effect. It activates the metabolism, boosts the immune system and firms the skin. The spa is a place of peace and relaxation.

Good to know
All the information you need for a relaxing visit.